Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Deflated numbers

Yeah! My Stitch Fix is "in progress!" I know this because, while I haven't been logging in every day, sometimes I go in and tweak a few things on my profile. Often. Like a few times a week since I signed up.
Okay, it's almost every day.
I'm kind of excited. Can you tell?
In your profile you can write a note to your stylist, letting her know things like, "Well, I would love some new things for my upcoming cruise in the Bahamas." Or, "I need something I can wear to work in the summer when the crank up the AC in my office." You know, so they know what kind of first-world problems they're dealing with.
My first world problem goes something like this: "I have no idea what to wear-- ever-- and the last time I wore jeans that fit right was when I was 9 months pregnant!"
I like to leave options wide open for them.

So I would go in and tweak my Stitch Fix profile. They give you like 6 styles of clothes to go through. Some are flowery and frilly, some are colorful, some look like a British prep school uniform. You can like them, hate them, really like them, really hate them, or something like that. So before my Fix was "in progress," I would go in and reevaluate my preferences. I mean, I like the flowers and lace and ruffles. But would I ever wear anything like that? Kate Middleton looks amazing in blazers and stripes, but would blazers and stripes make ME look like Kate Middleton? I think I know the answer to that one!
Some seriously, seriously deep contemplation.

Then they sent me a last-call email. "Go in and make your final changes to your note, your preferences, all that." (I'm not sure that sentence deserves quotation marks. But it's my blog.)

That was when I decided that lying about my weight probably wasn't the best idea when someone is sending me clothes sight unseen.

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