Thursday, July 30, 2015

Who wore it better?

Turns out, if you make desperate pleas for advice on the internet, the internet is happy to oblige. 

When I posted my first few attempts at dressing better, I didn't realize that the first thing everyone would notice was that, yes, I was wearing my uber-comfy nursing bra. Yes, I'd been wearing it for about 14 months straight. And no, it's not terribly supportive. Thanks for noticing, everyone! So after the third or fourth person mentioned it, I decided to wean my baby for the sole purpose of wearing my better, more supportive bras. So when William grows up and becomes a delinquent, I blame the internet.
Nah, just kidding. He is 15 months and I was planning on weaning him anyway. 

This week, I found myself wearing this same outfit from the very beginning of my blog, and I realized I've actually learned a few things since starting this adventure. 

See if you can spot the differences.
And since you're all noticing, yes, I'm wearing a better bra. Moving on!
Like Sarah said, "Accessories take up space!" They also transform a t-shirt into a background canvas instead of trying to be the (super plain, boring) centerpiece.
My necklace is one I've had for a couple years now, and it's literally the only necklace I've ever bought myself. And man, do I have great taste! Coincidentally, I bought it from Sarah's jewelry shop. The beads are made from paper by women in Uganda. They are some seriously talented and resourceful women, because if I rolled up paper and tried to make them into beads. no one would be lining up to buy any of those necklaces. But I love the bright colors and the design. It's my style-- which is something I didn't know I had.
The beads get tangled all the time, which is annoying, but gives me something to do during long talks at church-- while I listen, of course!

Shoes. Who knew?!
My other friend, Sarah, gave me the tip of "three things makes an outfit." I've always been really good at this, since I never leave the house without at least a shirt, shorts, and shoes. But I guess accessories could be three MORE things. Thanks for the great advice, Sarah!

My sister, Sarah, (Seriously, 1980s, the future called. Try naming your kids something besides Sarah, Sarah, and Sarah!) actually has nothing to do with this post. But she joined me on my 4th of July post. She's so much cooler than me! She probably already knew you're supposed to wear statement jewelry and shoes. But she doesn't have a Kindle case as fancy as mine!


  1. She also doesn't have a kindle ;)

  2. One more Sarah from the 1980s here. Ha! Love that you are doing this. Love that you are frank about your experiments and successes and fashion missteps. Growing up in Los Alamos in the 90s did me zero fashion favors too. Khakis plus plain t-shirts plus loafers. Beige upon beige with a side of pastel (though could always throw a hideous broomstick skirt in the mix to spice things up.) I had to go through my own fashion rebirth when I hit my mid 20s and pushed myself out of my comfort zone. Becoming a theatre costume designer helped too, as clothes became a medium for telling stories. Actually, two other things helped me find my fashion self: not having money to spend on new clothes, and changing body types after having kids. I had to get creative and am now a major thrift shop maven. I will send you some articles if that's ok and I'd love to be on your panel some time. You are doing great on your journey! Your friends are excellent guides!
