Friday, June 19, 2015

Baby steps

It's easy to write about how I haven't put thought into my clothes for years (29 if you're wondering), but to actually post about my attempts at improvement? Kind of mortifying.

I'd like to write a post that says, "Hey, now that I'm trying, I'm awesome! In fact, I'm pretty much stylin' ALL THE TIME!" But the truth is, it's a journey. And this is just the beginning.

In fact, the beginning is where I've started noticing what people are wearing, and then noticing that-- not only do I not wear the same things-- I don't even own anything cool!

This isn't news, but it IS on my mind these days.

But in the spirit of no shame, here are some pictures of an outfit attempt from this week:

A t-shirt, yes, but it's new, lacy, and not scrubby! Yay!
And the revolutionary part: matching accessories! These are some earrings I bought at Taos Pueblo when my student-teaching class went for a field trip in 2010. I've never worn them since, so it was fun to find something to match.

And the rest of it:
Hmmm.... isn't that the same pair of pants I wear every. single. day?!
But the shoes! They're not flip-flops! They're not boring!
Nor do they really improve the ensemble....
Oh well. A step forward.

And I'll keep stepping!


  1. That color looks great on you!

  2. You're hilarious! Love the top - great color on you! - and the earrings, of course!
