Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Panel of Experts: Giulia

I consider Stitch Fix as my fashion education. I pay for someone to teach me what to wear, and they choose my clothes and send me updates on what's in style and how to wear it. It's a good system so far. There's homework too, keeping my Pinterest style board up to date (though I realize this wouldn't feel like homework to most people).
I'm learning a lot.

Then there are people study Fashion Design in college. This is an actual fashion education, though I assume most people who enter the Fashion Design program already know how to dress themselves.

Such is the case for my friend, Giulia (pronounced "geeeyuuulwieeeaaa..." Just kidding. It's like "Julia" in English). Giulia is my Visiting Teacher, which means she visits with me every month as part of a program through our church to share a message about the Gospel and to just visit and help me out. It's seriously one of my favorite parts of church, this network of women that we create.

In the course of our visiting, I found out that she's finishing up college in the Fashion Design program. She's working on her final project, creating a bunch of outfits and having them made and then shown at a fashion show at the end of the year.

How did people so much younger become so much cooler than me?

I was able to catch her during her mid-year break, and she answered some interview questions for my blog! 
  • Where do you get your fashion inspiration?
Most of the time I try to know what celebrity I most identify with and watch what they are wearing or have worn. But I only use what really pleases me and is good for my body.

  • If you have a nice event to go to (date, brunch, night out, etc.) when do you start thinking of what you’ll wear? How do you plan an outfit?

Well, it depends on when I find out about the event, but usually that day I start to think about what I going to wear, even before I'm sure if I'll go (laughs). Planning clothes depends on where the event will be held, the hour, the weather and the people who will be present. I always try to learn some of these details before to prepare myself, but if it is a date for example, and the person does not say where you're going, or you are embarrassed to ask, I suggest versatile clothes that are tidy but not too much or too little. For example, a dress and heels are perfect for going to a movie or to a fancy restaurant.

  • What is your current favorite thing to wear?
Big Earrings and Fluffy Sweaters

And let me just interrupt to clarify for a moment. I grew up in the nineties, so when I read "fluffy sweaters," my brain came up with this:

Turns out, the new millennium comes with its own updated sweaters. This is the one Giulia has in mind:

 Carry on.

  • Top 10 items to have in your wardrobe:
1. Fluffy Sweater (see above)

2. Nice Accessories

3. Pumps

4. Boots

5. Day dress

6. Night dress

7. Nice Jeans

8. Blazer

9. A basic shirt

10. Sandals

  • Shopping: What is your plan of attack when you go clothes shopping? Do you have a plan of attack?
Actually, I do not have a plan of attack. When I go shopping I'll first go to stores that I like and try something that pleases me and makes me fall in love with it, which is not too hard (laughs).

But one tip I give is to look calmly and be patient. The faster you go through racks, the less chance you will have to find cool stuff and like it.

  • What are some of your favorite stores (in person, online)? What do you usually buy there?
Some of my favorite stores are: Renner, C&A, Zara and Forever 21. They are in person, because I like to try things on and see the quality before buying. 

I confess that I usually buy more shoes than anything (laughs), because you can change a whole look only with a pair of shoes, nice makeup and some accessories.

Um... I didn't realize Forever 21 was an international brand. Turns out, it is! Who knew?!

  • What advice would you give me or people like me for whom dressing well is challenging and out of their comfort zones?
Be yourself. You do not need be fashionable to dress well, or even be a trendsetter. Dressing well means feeling good about yourself, and being comfortable-- yes, comfortable! There is nothing worse than when you go out in a beautiful outfit, but it itches, hurts you, or makes you feel uncomfortable in any other way. As much as you think you look wonderful, you actually look uncomfortable rather than confident, and people can see it. But also being comfortable does not mean being sloppy. There are many beautiful clothes that are comfortable and tidy, but you just need to use patience while you shop.

Another tip is to ask someone you trust to evaluate if your clothes are good or not, and even help you to choose.

Aaaaand, it sounds like Giulia will be coming shopping with me later this month for Visiting Teaching! 

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