Thursday, July 16, 2015

In no way should this post be taken as a movie recommendation

Back in 2011 there was this cute new Jennifer Aniston rom-com in the theaters, and I went to see it with a group of ladies from church. It was a diverse group, spanning the generations, including a very proper woman, probably in her mid-seventies at the time-- the go-to woman to teach classes on etiquette and manners and that sort of thing.

Did you see "Just Go with It"? It was terrible! It was your typical Adam Sandler fare, and while it was also technically a cute Jennifer Aniston rom-com, it's certainly not one you'd invite someone's straight-laced grandmother to! Oh, I cringe when I watch Adam Sandler movies anyway, but it was doubly awkward this time around.

Maybe that's why I remember it so clearly.

That look on Jennifer Aniston's face? Pretty much how I felt while I watched it.
But there was one part that actually made me think. Rare for an Adam Sandler movie, I know.

It wasn't terribly DEEP thinking, just to be clear.

In the beginning of "Just Go with It," when Adam Sandler is convincing his receptionist to pretend to be his wife, they have a conversation that goes basically like this:

(Walking through a fancy mall)
A: Will you please just look at some clothes?
J: Look at that! I don't wear that! I have clothes, by the way.
A: Yeah, the best clothes that Old Navy sells.

And then she goes on a Rodeo Drive shopping spree, transforming from this:
Old Navy's best
To this:
Muito chique!
There are a lot of lessons that can be learned from this. Lots of deep thoughts to be had.
Mine was this:
Old Navy isn't high fashion?!?

I'd never actually thought about it before. Stores are stores, aren't they? I mean, Old Navy sells dresses and belts and stuff. Isn't that enough to be chique?

Now, you can't be too careful on the internet.

Dear Old Navy,
I have no intention to smear you as some non-chique clothing store. I'm just repeating what Adam Sandler said. (Is that ever a legitimate excuse?!)  To be fair, all my favorite, most comfortable maternity clothes came from your store. (Well, the ones that didn't come from H&M. Or Target.) When I need more jeans and t-shirts, or next time I'm in 8th grade, I'll be back!

But for now I'm moving on, taking my fashion advice from Adam Sandler.

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